
Understanding the laws of nature.

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Physics Lesson 1

Physics lesson 1.

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Newton's Laws of Motion

Understand the fundamental laws governing motion.

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Kinematics (Velocity, Acceleration)

Learn about velocity, acceleration, and the equations of motion.

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Forces and Free Body Diagrams

Master the concepts of forces and how to represent them using free body diagrams.

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Work and Energy

Explore the relationship between work, energy, and power.

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Electric Charge and Coulomb's Law

Learn about electric charge and the forces between them as described by Coulomb's Law.

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Electric Fields and Potential

Understand electric fields and electric potential energy.

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Ohm's Law and Circuit Basics

Master the basics of electrical circuits and Ohm's Law.

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Wave Properties (Frequency, Wavelength)

Explore the properties of waves, including frequency and wavelength.

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Sound Waves and Acoustics

Learn about sound waves and the principles of acoustics.

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Light and Electromagnetic Spectrum

Understand the nature of light and its place in the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Reflection and Refraction

Master the concepts of reflection and refraction of light.

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