Physics Lesson 1

Physics lesson 1.

Sample Cards

The acceleration due to gravity on Earth

9.8 m/s²

The formula for force

F = ma (Force = mass × acceleration)

The speed of light in a vacuum

3 × 10⁸ m/s

Newton's first law

An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a force

The unit of energy in the SI system

Joule (J)

The formula for kinetic energy

KE = 0.5 × m × v² (Kinetic Energy = 0.5 × mass × velocity squared)

The principle of conservation of energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed

The unit of power in the SI system

Watt (W)

Physics Lesson 1 Flashcards

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What's in this deck?

The acceleration due to gravity on Earth

9.8 m/s²

9.8 m/s²

The acceleration due to gravity on Earth

The formula for force

F = ma (Force = mass × acceleration)

F = ma (Force = mass × acceleration)

The formula for force

The speed of light in a vacuum

3 × 10⁸ m/s

3 × 10⁸ m/s

The speed of light in a vacuum

Newton's first law

An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a force

An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a force

Newton's first law

The unit of energy in the SI system

Joule (J)

Joule (J)

The unit of energy in the SI system

The formula for kinetic energy

KE = 0.5 × m × v² (Kinetic Energy = 0.5 × mass × velocity squared)

KE = 0.5 × m × v² (Kinetic Energy = 0.5 × mass × velocity squared)

The formula for kinetic energy

The principle of conservation of energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed

Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed

The principle of conservation of energy

The unit of power in the SI system

Watt (W)

Watt (W)

The unit of power in the SI system

Ohm's Law

V = IR (Voltage = Current × Resistance)

V = IR (Voltage = Current × Resistance)

Ohm's Law

The formula for momentum

p = mv (Momentum = mass × velocity)

p = mv (Momentum = mass × velocity)

The formula for momentum

The value of the gravitational constant G

6.674 × 10⁻¹¹ N(m/kg)²

6.674 × 10⁻¹¹ N(m/kg)²

The value of the gravitational constant G

The formula for work

W = F × d (Work = Force × distance)

W = F × d (Work = Force × distance)

The formula for work

The unit of frequency

Hertz (Hz)

Hertz (Hz)

The unit of frequency

The unit of electric charge

Coulomb (C)

Coulomb (C)

The unit of electric charge

The formula for pressure

P = F/A (Pressure = Force / Area)

P = F/A (Pressure = Force / Area)

The formula for pressure

Hooke's Law

F = kx (Force = spring constant × displacement)

F = kx (Force = spring constant × displacement)

Hooke's Law

The formula for potential energy

PE = mgh (Potential Energy = mass × gravity × height)

PE = mgh (Potential Energy = mass × gravity × height)

The formula for potential energy

The unit of magnetic field strength

Tesla (T)

Tesla (T)

The unit of magnetic field strength

The formula for density

ρ = m/V (Density = mass / Volume)

ρ = m/V (Density = mass / Volume)

The formula for density

The value of standard atmospheric pressure

101.3 kPa

101.3 kPa

The value of standard atmospheric pressure

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