Introduction to Nursing

Learn the basics needed to succeed in your education in the nursing fields with practice on procedures, symptoms, medicines, and more.

  1. 1.
    Common Procedures

    This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics that may be covered include: What is intramuscular injection? What does IV stand for? How to measure vitals? Methods of medicine administration: oral Methods of medicine administration: topical Methods of medicine administration: IV Electrocardiogram (ECG) basics What is a nebulizer? Purpose of nasogastric tubes Wound care and dressing changes Catheterization procedures Blood pressure measurement techniques Phlebotomy (blood draw) steps Basic suturing techniques Administering oxygen therapy Intravenous cannulation process Insertion and care of Foley catheters Spirometry test purpose and procedure Interpretation of ECG results Preparation of patients for surgery Performing a glucose test Handling and disposal of biohazard materials Administering insulin injections Conducting a physical examination How to measure pulse and respiration rate Applying compression stockings How to use a defibrillator Understanding patient positioning for procedures Assessing a patient's pain level Administering subcutaneous injections Use of a stethoscope for auscultation Collecting a urine sample Handling patient transfers (bed to chair) Sterilization of medical instruments Applying an EKG monitor Intravenous drug administration techniques Basic wound irrigation procedures How to perform CPR Performing a peak flow meter test What is aseptic technique?

  2. 2.
    Common Symptoms

    This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: What is fever? Causes of abdominal pain Common reasons for chest pain Signs of dehydration Symptoms of hypoxia Identifying shortness of breath (dyspnea) Symptoms of hypertension What causes dizziness? Recognizing palpitations Causes of headache Identifying cyanosis Symptoms of nausea and vomiting Causes of fatigue Signs of jaundice Symptoms of hypoglycemia Recognizing a stroke Causes of edema Identifying anaphylaxis Signs of infection Symptoms of anxiety What is tachycardia? Causes of diarrhea Recognizing confusion (delirium) Symptoms of hyperglycemia Causes of constipation Identifying syncope (fainting) Signs of internal bleeding Symptoms of pneumonia Recognizing a seizure Causes of back pain Symptoms of urinary retention Identifying a rash Signs of a heart attack Symptoms of anemia Causes of leg swelling Identifying respiratory distress Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis Recognizing chest tightness Causes of joint pain Symptoms of kidney stones

  3. 3.
    Anatomy Introduction

    This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: What are the major organs of the body? Function of the heart Structure of the human skeleton Main parts of the brain Role of the lungs Function of the kidneys Structure and function of the liver Anatomy of the digestive system Function of the skin Main components of blood Function of the nervous system Structure of a neuron Role of the endocrine system Function of the pancreas Anatomy of the cardiovascular system Role of the lymphatic system Structure of the muscular system Function of the immune system Anatomy of the urinary system Role of the reproductive system Function of the spleen Structure of the eye Anatomy of the ear Role of the thyroid gland Function of the adrenal glands Anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract Role of the bone marrow Structure of the respiratory system Function of the esophagus Role of the small intestine Anatomy of the large intestine Function of the bladder Structure of the spine Role of the pituitary gland Function of the gallbladder Anatomy of the joints Role of the hypothalamus Function of the ovaries/testes Structure of the heart chambers Role of the trachea

  4. 4.
    Basic Medical Equipment

    Example of how questions should look: side2: A method of medication delivery directly into a muscle. side1: Intramuscular Injection side2: name all the vitals, side1: body temp, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation side2: 3 methods of medicine administration, side1: oral, topical, IV side2: The process of drawing blood, side1: Phlebotomy side2: The process of inserting a cannula into a vein to provide venous access., side1: Intravenous Cannulation Process Obviously the answer (side1) should not be in side2, as we are teaching/testing memorization. This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: What is a stethoscope? How to use a sphygmomanometer Function of an otoscope What is a thermometer used for? Purpose of a pulse oximeter Use of a defibrillator Function of a glucometer What is an EKG machine? Purpose of an infusion pump Use of a nebulizer What is a syringe? Function of an oxygen tank Purpose of a catheter What is a scalpel? Use of a tongue depressor Function of a reflex hammer What is a blood pressure cuff? Purpose of a lancet Use of an IV bag What is an ultrasound machine? Function of a speculum Purpose of a tourniquet What is an endoscope? Use of a surgical gown Function of a bedpan What is a ventilator? Purpose of a colostomy bag Use of a dermatoscope Function of a catheterization kit What is a foley catheter? Purpose of a syringe driver Use of a suction machine Function of a resuscitation bag What is a dialysis machine? Purpose of a blood gas analyzer Use of a pacemaker Function of a crash cart What is a medical tape? Purpose of a suture kit Use of a hemostat

  5. 5.
    Medical Specialties

    This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: What is cardiology? Field of dermatology What is neurology? Field of pediatrics What is oncology? Field of obstetrics and gynecology What is psychiatry? Field of endocrinology What is gastroenterology? Field of hematology What is nephrology? Field of pulmonology What is rheumatology? Field of urology What is radiology? Field of pathology What is anesthesiology? Field of geriatrics What is infectious disease? Field of emergency medicine What is surgery? Field of orthopedics What is ophthalmology? Field of otolaryngology (ENT) What is immunology? Field of nephrology What is allergology? Field of pain management What is palliative care? Field of sports medicine What is critical care medicine? Field of forensic medicine What is plastic surgery? Field of thoracic surgery What is vascular surgery? Field of maxillofacial surgery What is dermatopathology? Field of interventional radiology What is medical genetics? Field of occupational medicine

  6. 6.
    Anatomy Intermediate

    This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: Detailed anatomy of the heart Function of the renal system Anatomy of the central nervous system Function of the gastrointestinal tract Detailed structure of the liver Anatomy of the endocrine glands Function of the immune response Detailed anatomy of the skeletal system Function of the muscular system Detailed structure of the brainstem Anatomy of the peripheral nervous system Function of the autonomic nervous system Detailed structure of the lungs Anatomy of the lymphatic system Function of the circulatory system Detailed structure of the spinal cord Anatomy of the digestive organs Function of the reproductive organs Detailed anatomy of the pancreas Function of the pituitary gland Detailed anatomy of the spleen Function of the thyroid gland Detailed structure of the kidney Anatomy of the adrenal glands Function of the parathyroid glands Detailed structure of the gastrointestinal lining Anatomy of the bronchial tree Function of the alveoli Detailed anatomy of the arteries and veins Function of the bile duct Detailed structure of the endocrine pancreas Anatomy of the hepatic portal system Function of the synovial joints Detailed structure of the cranial nerves Anatomy of the optic nerve Function of the auditory system Detailed structure of the meningeal layers Anatomy of the thoracic cage Function of the limbic system Detailed structure of the reproductive tract

  7. 7.
    Medication Administration

    This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: Routes of medication administration Steps for oral medication administration Administering sublingual medication Giving intramuscular injections Administering subcutaneous injections How to use an inhaler Applying topical medications Administering eye drops Giving ear drops Administering rectal medications How to use a nebulizer Administering intravenous medications Giving a transdermal patch Administering nasal sprays Steps for administering a suppository Handling controlled substances What is a medication error? Proper labeling of medications How to prepare an IV infusion Administering medications through a feeding tube Steps for giving injections to infants How to calculate medication dosages Administering emergency medications Steps for reconstituting medications How to perform a medication reconciliation Monitoring for adverse drug reactions Documentation of medication administration Giving medications to patients with dysphagia Administering allergy shots What are compounded medications? Administering medications in a clinical setting Steps for administering a vaccine How to administer chemotherapy drugs Administering medications to geriatric patients Giving medications to pediatric patients How to manage polypharmacy Administering pain medications Steps for administering anticoagulants Administering psychiatric medications How to handle medication non-adherence

  8. 8.
    Advanced Medical Vocabulary

    Example of how questions should look: side2: A method of medication delivery directly into a muscle. side1: Intramuscular Injection side2: name all the vitals, side1: body temp, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation side2: 3 methods of medicine administration, side1: oral, topical, IV side2: The process of drawing blood, side1: Phlebotomy side2: The process of inserting a cannula into a vein to provide venous access., side1: Intravenous Cannulation Process Obviously the answer (side1) should not be in side2, as we are teaching/testing memorization. This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: Define tachycardia What is bradycardia? Define hyperthermia What is hypothermia? Define hyperkalemia What is hypokalemia? Define anaphylaxis What is dyspnea? Define cyanosis What is edema? Define hematoma What is hemoptysis? Define hematuria What is leukocytosis? Define leukopenia What is thrombocytopenia? Define thrombosis What is embolism? Define infarction What is ischemia? Define necrosis What is septicemia? Define bacteremia What is leukorrhea? Define menorrhagia What is dysmenorrhea? Define oliguria What is polyuria? Define polydipsia What is dysphagia? Define aphasia What is ataxia? Define paresthesia What is hemiplegia? Define quadriplegia What is paraplegia? Define dystonia What is myalgia? Define arthralgia What is osteoarthritis?

  9. 9.
    Technical Terms for Procedures

    Example of how questions should look: side2: A method of medication delivery directly into a muscle. side1: Intramuscular Injection side2: name all the vitals, side1: body temp, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation side2: 3 methods of medicine administration, side1: oral, topical, IV side2: The process of drawing blood, side1: Phlebotomy side2: The process of inserting a cannula into a vein to provide venous access., side1: Intravenous Cannulation Process Obviously the answer (side1) should not be in side2, as we are teaching/testing memorization. This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: Define angiography What is a biopsy? Define bronchoscopy What is a colonoscopy? Define cystoscopy What is endoscopy? Define gastroscopy What is a laparoscopy? Define thoracentesis What is paracentesis? Define lumbar puncture What is a thoracotomy? Define tracheostomy What is venipuncture? Define intubation What is a craniotomy? Define cholecystectomy What is a mastectomy? Define appendectomy What is a hysterectomy? Define oophorectomy What is an orchiectomy? Define nephrectomy What is a gastrectomy? Define colostomy What is an ileostomy? Define laparotomy What is a splenectomy? Define tonsillectomy What is an adenoidectomy? Define rhinectomy What is an episiotomy? Define cesarean section What is a cataract extraction? Define hernia repair What is a skin graft? Define angioplasty What is a bypass surgery? Define pacemaker insertion What is valve replacement?

  10. 10.
    Medical Conditions and Diseases

    Example of how questions should look: side2: A method of medication delivery directly into a muscle. side1: Intramuscular Injection side2: name all the vitals, side1: body temp, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation side2: 3 methods of medicine administration, side1: oral, topical, IV side2: The process of drawing blood, side1: Phlebotomy side2: The process of inserting a cannula into a vein to provide venous access., side1: Intravenous Cannulation Process Obviously the answer (side1) should not be in side2, as we are teaching/testing memorization. This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: What is diabetes mellitus? Define hypertension What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? Define asthma What is coronary artery disease (CAD)? Define congestive heart failure (CHF) What is cerebrovascular accident (CVA)? Define myocardial infarction (MI) What is cancer? Define chronic kidney disease (CKD) What is rheumatoid arthritis (RA)? Define osteoarthritis (OA) What is osteoporosis? Define Parkinson's disease What is Alzheimer's disease? Define multiple sclerosis (MS) What is lupus erythematosus? Define psoriasis What is eczema? Define irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) What is Crohn's disease? Define ulcerative colitis What is peptic ulcer disease (PUD)? Define hepatitis What is cirrhosis? Define tuberculosis (TB) What is HIV/AIDS? Define influenza What is pneumonia? Define bronchitis What is cystic fibrosis (CF)? Define sickle cell disease What is hemophilia? Define anemia What is hypothyroidism? Define hyperthyroidism What is gout? Define fibromyalgia What is endometriosis? Define polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)