Emergency Care

Learn important emergency care information.

  1. 1.
    First Aid

    This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: Steps to perform CPR How to treat a burn Steps to stop bleeding How to handle a fracture Steps for choking first aid How to treat a sprain Steps for treating a seizure How to handle a heart attack Steps to treat shock How to perform the Heimlich maneuver Steps to treat hypothermia How to handle an asthma attack Steps for treating dehydration How to perform rescue breathing Steps to treat an allergic reaction How to handle a stroke Steps for treating heat exhaustion How to treat poisoning Steps to handle a head injury How to treat a bee sting Steps to stop a nosebleed How to treat a puncture wound Steps for handling a diabetic emergency How to treat a bite or sting Steps to handle a drowning victim How to treat an electrical burn Steps for handling a seizure in a child How to treat a gunshot wound Steps to handle a spinal injury How to treat a severe cut Steps for treating frostbite How to handle a snake bite Steps to treat an eye injury How to perform first aid for a collapsed lung Steps for handling an overdose How to treat a thermal burn Steps for handling a chemical burn How to treat an amputated limb Steps for handling a crush injury How to perform first aid for a collapsed lung

  2. 2.
    📄 Emergency Procedures

    This deck contains flashcards, with side2 being the question and side 1 being the answer. Topics include: How to activate the emergency response system Steps for performing CPR How to assess a patient's airway Steps for securing an IV line How to manage a patient's breathing Steps for controlling severe bleeding How to perform an emergency tracheotomy Steps for stabilizing a fracture How to manage shock in an emergency Steps for performing a defibrillation How to assess for spinal injury Steps for handling an unconscious patient How to manage a patient's circulation Steps for performing a rapid trauma assessment How to administer emergency medication Steps for securing an airway How to manage a patient's airway with a laryngoscope Steps for handling a cardiac arrest How to perform an emergency intubation Steps for handling a seizure in an emergency How to manage a patient's blood pressure Steps for handling a diabetic emergency How to perform an emergency thoracotomy Steps for managing a patient in respiratory distress How to handle a choking emergency Steps for administering epinephrine How to perform a cricothyrotomy Steps for managing a patient with severe burns How to perform a needle decompression Steps for handling a drowning emergency How to manage a patient's airway with a bag-valve mask Steps for handling a severe allergic reaction How to perform a pericardiocentesis Steps for managing a patient with trauma How to perform a rapid sequence intubation Steps for handling a patient in shock How to manage a patient's oxygen levels Steps for handling a patient with hypothermia How to perform an emergency chest tube insertion Steps for managing a patient with multi-system trauma